Fourth Year – Semester 1: Tick

This semester absolutely smashed me. Quick summary: cried almost every week, completed twenty assignments/exams over 13 weeks, stopped exercising, put on some kg’s and lost my social life. Nooo thank you.

Firstly, I am just an absolute ball of stress. I am a perfectionist, drifting through life placing unachievable standards on myself to achieve that perfect grade, outfit, exam or perception from others. So this clearly makes university fun! Being a Law and Journalism student, it’s super competitive. On the one hand, you’re surrounded by people who are used to being the ‘top of the class’ and ‘straight A students’ vs. a degree that requires creativity and the ability to think outside the box. This semester challenged me mentally, so let’s just look at what I completed –

Semester 1, 2017 (13 Weeks/Fourth Year)

Hours spent at university: 23 hours a week / 299 hours over the semester

Money spent on parking: $26.50 a week / $344.50 over the semester

Hours spent doing readings: roughly 18 hours a week / 234 hours over the semester

Money spent on coffee: $13.20 a week / $171.60 over the semester

My Timetable

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(Ha ha at the ‘gym’ parts…)

Okay no wonder I basically cried every week – 41 hours each week I spent focussed on nothing but uni work. Readings. Assignments. Tests. Exams. Seriouuuuusly. And because of this, I sacrificed my mental health.. my physical health.. my social life… oh dear.

My timetable for Semester 2, 2017 is still at 3 days per week, and working two days BUT:

Hours spent at university: 14 hours a week / 182 hours over the semester

Money spent on parking: $16.50 a week / $214.50 over the semester

So, my hours are almost halved! I will be able to go to the gym, catch up with friends, and even take some time out for me.



Mother’s Day 2017

Mum, I love you more than I could ever describe. You are appreciated, you are loved and please know that will never change. You have and will continue to drop anything and everything to do for this family. You are our angel.

I wish you all the happiness, love, positivity and good health this world has to offer. There is no one more deserving than you to have everything you wish for in this life. If I was in the position now to pay of your mortgage or send you on your dream holiday to the Maldives, but that is what I’m aiming to achieve. I will get there one day. And I will give back to you, well probably not even half of what you (and dad) have ever given me, but I will try.

Happy Mother’s Day mumma, love you too much.

TICK: 2017 Goal #5

Obtaining a Legal Job!! 
It was my main goal for this year to secure a job with a law firm and I happened to get one in January! ☺️ I’m a fourth year law and journalism student and thought it was time to leave the retail industry and gain a step in the door to my career. I’m technically a receptionist, however they’re aware that I want to gain as much legal experience as possible and are incidentally exposing me to such I.e witnessing wills, writing file notes and observing client interviews.

I’m so excited where this could take me! Bring on 2017 🙏🏼👌🏼🤗

New Monday / New Week / New Goals

Everyone at some point in their life has said “my diet starts Monday” or “I will start exercising on Monday”. It seems logical to start fresh at the beginning of the week: we have a clearer mindset, we forget all that chocolate or alcohol we had on the weekend because it doesn’t matter as “it’s Monday”, and we also forget the minimal exercise we did last week as it’s time to start fresh.

SOMy 3 goals for this week:

  1. Catch up with a friend (social)
    • Life is inevitably a natural rollercoaster, and aside from family, you will always need someone’s support, trust and companionship. As you grow older, you discover that it is quality over quantity. You may have three incredibly close friends, over 15 friends you see every few weeks. But you know those three will always be there for you and that is what’s special. It is so important to maintain that. Effort goes two ways.
  2. Go to three classes at the gym (physical)
    • I am a Law and Journalism student, so for most of the year I am either stressed or sitting at my desk! I joined the gym recently to regain the fitness I have lost over the years and to have a break from studying the many hours of the day. I have found I really enjoy ‘body pump’ – it’s a weights-based class that fits in with my schedule.
  3. Take time out for you (mental)
    • This is something I also never do. I am so preoccupied with studying or working and never take time out for myself. I stress myself out like crazy over uni work so even if I take 20 minutes to read a book, sit in the sun or go on a walk listening to music, that is a really big step.

A Welcome to Twenties View

My name is Abbey, the girl behind the page that posts what is relevant to people in their twenties!

I’m a fourth year university student and work part time, I love to learn about health and wellbeing and am extremely interested in seeing what the world has to offer. I love to be organised and even love studying, and I’m extremely grateful for what I’ve learnt from my parents.

I’ve wanted to start a blog for a while, and thought that 2017 is my year to grow, take chances and do what I’ve always wanted to do. Stay tuned for all things travel, food, health, organisation, life in general and goals related posts – I’m sure we can learn a thing or two off each other.

– Abbey